Winter 2024/25 [S2] - Sunday Mixed Goaltimate league

Registration Information

Total Paid
Total Unpaid
Total Waitlisted

Registered Player List

Name Team namePayment Status
Page size:
125 players in 9 pages
abbey, olivia Clifford the Big Red Dog Paid
Adams, Ken Odd Squad Paid
Alexander, Kelsen Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? Paid
Barcio, Regina The Magic School Bus Paid
Bates, Ben Dragon Tales Paid
Bequette, Eileen Dragon Tales Paid
Bergmann, Trillian Reading Rainbow Paid
Bosscher, Nate Ghostwriter Paid
Bosscher, Alicia Ghostwriter Paid
Bosscher Shriwise, Georgia Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? Paid
Boyle, Aidan Reading Rainbow Paid
Brewer, Katherine Wild Kratts Paid
Brooks-Kahn, Harper Odd Squad Paid
Buerger, Adam Wild Kratts Paid
Bugasch Scopoline, Stefanie Wishbone Paid