Winter 2024/25 [S2] - Sunday Mixed Goaltimate league


To The MUFA CommunityThe executive order barring transgender women and girls from participating in sports has left our friends and teammates once again targeted by legislation created to drive discriminatory and hateful policies that weaponize harmful stereotypes in an attempt to erase transgender athletes from these spacesMUFA categorically rejects these attempts to drive a wedge through our communities and the hurtful effort to remove opportunities from people that deserve them as much as anyoneMUFA remains proudly committed to maintaining a safe, inclusive, and affirming environment for athletes of all gender expressions. Sport is an essential part of people's lives. It provides a physical, mental, and emotional outlet and can offer camaraderie in a time when many find themselves increasingly isolated. MUFA believes in empowering all of our players to safely participate as their authentic selves. Agender, gender non-conforming (GNC), genderqueer, or gender fluid players remain encouraged to join MUFA leagues and match up with the players that they feel most comfortable playing with and marking. This statement has represented our leagues in the past and will remain our commitment going forward. MUFA’s full gender inclusion policy can be found here MUFA is proud to have fostered a community where people across all spectrums can play and thrive as their best selves, and we commit to continuing to work to make our community a better place for those from marginalized backgrounds through our policies and actions. In the face of a wave of discrimination and hate, we will work tirelessly to reinforce MUFA as a community for all.

Winter Goaltimate 2025

Winter Goaltimate (Indoors)

Goaltimate (or Goalty for short) is a half-court frisbee game that combines elements of basketball and ultimate, with goals scored by throwing a disc through a large hoop to a teammate on the other side. It's a fast-paced and fun alternative to traditional Ultimate.

Goalty leagues will play eight or nine games over eight or nine weeks (unless there are weather-related closures.) 


Sunday Mixed League - register

- Sundays starting Feb 2 and running through March 23 - 8 weeks total. 

- will be held at IPT

- Games at will start at 4p and could run until 9p, depending on registration numbers. Early games start at 4p; the latest games the will end by is 8:30p (depending on registrations).

- Initial Cap of 80 players at a 2:2 FMP:MMP ratio (i.e. 40 MMP, 40 FMP cap). Cap could be increased depending on registrations; it has eventually increased to 120 players in the past seasons.

- Since this is a mixed league, initial MMP cap will be 10  -- MMPs baggaged with FMPs will be let into the league until the 40:40 cap. More could be added if more FMPs register.

- Baggage with one other player

- $50/player


Thursday Open League - register

- Thursdays starting Jan 30 and running through March 27  - 9 weeks total.

- will be held at IPT

- Games will start at 7:30p and run until 10p. Games could run later depending on registrations. (We have the gym until 10:45p, so we could add more players/teams. Please note the possibility of late start/end times when registering.)

- no cap for players, but expecting around 40. Cap could be increased depending on registrations.

- Baggage with one other player

- No gender matchup requirements for this league; this league has traditionally felt faster-moving than the mixed league.

- $50/player



Wednesday FMP League - register

- Wednesdays starting Jan 29 and running through March 26  - 9 weeks total.

- will be held at IPT

- Games at will start at 7:30p and could run until around 10p, depending on registration numbers. Early games start at 7:30p, latest games start at 8:45p (depending on registrations).

- no cap for players, but expecting around 40. Cap could be increased depending on registrations.  

- Baggage with up to 2 other players

- $50/player


Tuesday Mixed Team League - register

- Tuesday starting Jan 28 and running through March 25  - 9 weeks total. 

- will be held at IPT

- Games at will start at 7:30p and could run until around 10p, depending on registration numbers. Early games start at 7:30p, latest games start at 8:45p. Best of 3 games of 20 minutes each.

- 8 team cap, signup as a team with team baggage (like summer league)

- Mixed league, 2FMP 2MMP

- $50/player



League Rules:


MadTown Mini Madness

MadTown Mini Madness
MadTown Mini Madness is a new school-based 3v3 league for girls and non-binary players in high school or 8th grade!  The league is designed to help schools with smaller frisbee programs grow, so if your school doesn't yet have a girls/non-binary team, this is the perfect chance to get one going.  Priority registration will go to schools that didn't compete in Madison High School League last year.
  • League Dates: the weeks of January 27 through March 17

  • Game Time: Games will be Mondays at 7:30pm or 8:30pm, except for the week of February 3 when games will be on Friday due to space availability.

  • Location: Memorial High School Spectator Gym

  • League Size: Up to 8 teams

  • Format: 

    • This league is for girls and non-binary players. Minimum roster size is 4, although a roster of 5-7 is recommended.
    • This is a school-based league.  If you're interested in playing but don't have a team at your school, contact> to find a way to get involved!
    • Each game will feature two 15-minute halves, with a 5 minute half-time.  Stall 10, pull for each point, sub between points.  Regular ultimate rules otherwise, but with a smaller field.  Teams will get access to the fields at either 7:30 or 8:30 on any given night, and will get 15 minutes to warm up before games (so warm-ups at 7:30, game starts at 7:45, halftime at 8, second half starts at 8:05, game over at 8:20).
    • Each team will play all of the other teams over the course of the first 7 weeks, and then in the last week teams will play one playoff game against the team with the closest finish (i.e. the team at the top of the standings will play the team in second place, team 3 vs team 4, etc).
  • Cost: $35/team

  • How to register: One person (e.g. coach) needs to register the team for the league (click ). In addition, each player's parent/guardian must complete this waiver in order for that player to be eligible to play.  We will provide coaches tracking information to be able to verify which of their players have completed the waiver.  Registration will be open from December 11 through 5 PM January 12.  Early registration is preferred.

  • Extras

    • There will be a prize for the overall winner of the league.

    • Each player will receive a disc.

    • There will also be a prize for the team with the best Instagram post!  We encourage you to post weekly to help recruit and show others how much fun frisbee can be.  Posts that tag @mufadisc with hashtag #madtownmini will be eligible for the social media prize. 

    • We will be hosting a Spray Paint Your Own Jerseys night outside Memorial on the first evening!  We'll bring several colors of spray paint, a flamingo stencil, and some cardboard for you to cut your own designs.  You bring shirts (consider both a white shirt and a dark-colored shirt) and creativity.  Bring separate shirts to play in that week so we don't get paint in the gym.