Summer 2023 - Tuesday/Thursday Mixed


Join us inside or out for the MUFA Winter Leagues

Winter is coming, and that means one thing: more ultimate. November starts the Winter MUFA season, and we have both indoor and outdoor ultimate options for you to participate in!

Registration for all leagues below is open. Registration will be on a first-come, first-serve basis. All winter leagues are hat leagues, where players register individually or with a friend and teams are created by the league. 

Polar Bear League (Outdoors) - Register

The Polar Bear league is back, starting this November. All players who participate will get a beautiful Winter Beanie that they can don every Saturday @ 11am.


  • League Dates: November 2th - December 21rst

  • Game Time: Every Saturday starting @ 11am

  • Location: Stoner Prairie

  • League Size: Up to 8 teams

  • Format: Open (Teams of any gender-matching preferred players, no required ratio on the field)

  • Baggage: Bag with up to three other players

  • Cost: $35

  • Extras

    • Polar Bear League Beanie

    • Two free pitchers at the Great Dane after the game

Just want to get the 2024 Polar Bear League hat? You can purchase one here.

Winter Goaltimate (Indoors)

Goaltimate (or Goalty for short) is a half-court frisbee game that combines elements of basketball and ultimate, with goals scored by throwing a disc through a large hoop to a teammate on the other side. It's a fast-paced and fun alternative to traditional Ultimate.

Goalty leagues will play nine or ten games over nine or ten weeks (unless there are weather-related closures.) 


Sunday Mixed League - register

- Sundays starting Nov 10 and running through Jan 26  - 10 weeks total. (Breaks for Thanksgiving, winter break)

- will be held at IPT

- Games at will start at 4p and could run until 9p, depending on registration numbers. Early games start at 4p; the latest games the will end by is 8:30p (depending on registrations).

- Cap of 80 players at a 2:2 FMP:MMP ratio (i.e. 40 MMP, 40 FMP cap). Cap could be increased depending on registrations. 

- Since this is a mixed league, initial MMP cap will be 10  -- MMPs baggaged with FMPs will be let into the league until the 40:40 cap. More could be added if more FMPs register.

- Baggage with one other player

- $55/player


Thursday Open League - register

- Thursdays starting Nov 7 and running through Jan 23  - 9 weeks total. (Breaks for Thanksgiving, winter break)

- will be held at IPT

- Games will start at 7:30p and run until 10p. Games could run later depending on registrations. (We have the gym until 10:45p, so we could add more players/teams. Please note the possibility of late start/end times when registering.)

- no cap for players, but expecting around 40. Cap could be increased depending on registrations.

- Baggage with one other player

- No gender matchup requirements for this league

- $50/player



Wednesday FMP League - register

- Wednesdays starting Nov 6 and running through Jan 22  - 9 weeks total. (Breaks for Thanksgiving, winter break)

- will be held at IPT

- Games at will start at 7:30p and could run until around 10p, depending on registration numbers. Early games start at 7:30p, latest games start at 8:45p (depending on registrations).

- no cap for players, but expecting around 40. Cap could be increased depending on registrations.  

- Baggage with up to 2 other players

- $50/player



League Rules:




Quick FAQ

What is a hat league?
Our hat leagues are where players join individually (or with one friend) rather than as a full team. Players rate themselves during registration, and after registration closes, we form teams based on the player ratings to try and have the most balanced teams possible. Full teams are not permitted to join the fall league.

What is baggage?
To "bag" with someone, associate your registration with someone else's to ensure you get on the same team. So you can bag with your friend, S/O, or whomever you choose, and they will be placed on the same team as you.

What does MMP or FMP stand for?
MMP means male-matchup preferred or male-matching player.
FMP means female-matchup preferred or female-matching player. 

What do Mixed, Open, FMP, MMP mean for the league names?
These reference the format that the league is played in. 

Mixed: Alternating 4MMP/3FMP - 3MMP/4FMP gender-ratio (note: this ratio only applies to outdoor ultimate)
Open: Teams of any gender-matching preferred players, no required ratio on the field
MMP: Only Male-Matching Preferred players can play in this league
FMP: Only Female-Matching Preferred players can play in this league

Agender, gender non-conforming (GNC), genderqueer, or gender fluid players are encouraged to join leagues and match up with the players that they feel most comfortable playing with and marking. The goal is to make all MUFA programs more welcoming and safe for all athletes.


Get Ready for Summer League Playoffs!

The Summer League playoffs are just around the corner, starting on August 7th/8th. Here's everything you need to know about how they work:

Opt-In and Opt-Out:

Main Playoffs: 
Teams are automatically Opted-In to the main playoffs by default, but you have the option to Opt-Out if needed before the playoffs begin.

Consolation Bracket:
Teams are automatically Opted-Out to the consolation playoffs by default, but you have the option to Opt-In before the playoffs begin.


If you choose to Opt-In, we expect your team to be available for every scheduled game of that playoff.

Playoff Format:
Teams will be separated into single-elimination brackets, each containing up to eight teams. Your team will play up to three games, depending on if your team wins and the size of your bracket.

Consolation Bracket:
Even if your team loses the first game, don't worry! You can still get involved by choosing to Opt-In to the Consolation bracket. For the Consolation bracket, teams will be placed into single-elimination brackets of up to four teams.

Number of Games:
All teams have the opportunity to play at least two games in the playoffs, and we will make every effort to give teams three games if they wish.

Finals Party:
The top finals for the highest bracket in the Monday/Wednesday (M/W) and Tuesday/Thursday (T/Th) leagues will be held at the Finals Party on August 22nd @ Warner Park. This event is open to all Summer League players, and free food and soda will be provided for all players. The event is BYOB if you wish to partake in age-appropriate beverages. Non-MUFA attendees can attend the event for free, and can purchase a food wristband for $20.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. Can one-day-a-week teams participate in the playoffs?
   - Yes, one-day-a-week teams can join the playoffs, but please make sure your team can commit to playing twice a week if you Opt-In. If not, you can choose to Opt-Out.

2. How can I see the playoffs schedule?
   - Once the schedules have been generated, simply click on the playoff button in the division menu above, and you'll be directed to the playoff page. You won't be placed into your bracket until the weekend before the playoffs begin.

3. How do I Opt-In/Out of the playoffs?
   - On the front page, go to "My Teams," each team you're on will have a notification above the team card explaining the process. Only team captains can switch this setting.

4. How do I Opt-In/Out of the Consolation Playoffs?
   - This option will appear just like the previous Opt-In/Out settings but only for teams that lose their first game. By default, teams are Opted-Out. Note that teams must Opt-In before Noon of the next day from their match.
   - M/W teams must Opt-In by Tuesday, August 8th, @ Noon.
   - T/Th teams must Opt-In by Wednesday, August 9th, @ Noon.

Get ready for some end-of-season competition! If you have any further questions, don't hesitate to reach out to us. Best of luck to all the teams! 

Fall 2023 Registration Information

Welcome to Fall League! Every league in the Fall League is a 'hat' league. A hat league means you sign up either by yourself or with one friend, and you are placed onto a team with other players by the MUFA league directors. You will get a long-sleeve shirt, and each team can enjoy two free pitchers of beer at the Great Dane after every game. 

This season we will use a lottery system to start registration. In the lottery system, you register for one or more leagues you want to play in, rank them based on preference, and we will randomly select players from the lottery and place them into their highest preferred league that still has space. You can read more details about that here. 

Games will take place at Demetral Park and McGaw Park. Burr Jones has been removed from the rotation while Madison Parks assess strategies to refurbish the field for long-term success. 

Latest Lottery Update Here


Crossed out leagues are completely filled. 

Once a week Leagues
Sunday - FMP only - (up to 8 teams) - Fields: Demetral (6/7:30 pm)
Sunday - MMP only - (up to 8 teams) - Fields: Demetral (6/7:30 pm)
Monday - Open - Night Owl (up to 8 teams) - Fields: McGaw (only 8:15 pm start time)
Monday - Mixed - Early Bird (up to 8 teams) - Fields: McGaw (only 6:30 pm start time)
Tuesday - Mixed - (up to 8 teams) - Fields: Demetral (6/7:30 pm)
Thursday - Mixed - (up to 8 teams) - Fields: Demetral  (6/7:30 pm)

Twice a week Leagues
Mon/Wed - Mixed - (up to 8 teams) - Fields: Demetral (6/7:30 pm)
Tues/Thurs Mixed  - (up to 16 teams) - Fields: McGaw (6/7:30 pm)

- One day a week: $35
- Twice a week: $60

- Players in all leagues will receive a long sleeve t-shirt with their team color midway through the season
- All teams will receive a Great Dane card good for two free pitchers on their game days


  • Sunday, July 30th - Lottery registration is opened
  • Friday, August 11th @ 11:59pm - Lottery Registration closes
  • Saturday, August 12th-19th - In multiple waves, we select lottery players and place them onto teams
  • Sunday, August 17th @ 4pm - Normal registration is open for any remaining spots
  • Friday, August 27th @ Noon  - Registration closes
  • August 27th/28th - Initial Teams created
  • Week of September 4th-10th - First Week of Games
  • Week of October 22rd-27th - Last week of games

Youth Fall League Options
Youth Fall league options are being developed and will likely take place at Bowman Park. 

Other notes
- Parents team will be available in T/Th McGaw league


Quick FAQ

How does the lottery registration work? 
For full details of the lottery, you can go here.

What is a hat league?
Our hat leagues are where players join individually (or with one friend) rather than as a full team. Players rate themselves during registration, and after registration closes, we form teams based on the player ratings to try and have the most balanced teams possible. Full teams are not permitted to join fall league as full teams.

What is baggage?
To "bag" with someone, associate your registration with someone else's to ensure you get on the same team. So you can bag with your friend, S/O, or whomever you choose, and they will be placed on the same team as you.

What does MMP or FMP stand for?
MMP means male-matchup preferred or male-matching player.
FMP means female-matchup preferred or female-matching player. 

What do Mixed, Open, FMP, MMP mean for the league names?
These reference the format that the league is played in. 

Mixed: Alternating 4MMP/3FMP - 3MMP/4FMP gender-ratio 
Open: Teams of any gender-matching preferred players, no required ratio on the field
MMP: Only Male-Matching Preferred players can play in this league
FMP: Only Female-Matching Preferred players can play in this league

Agender, gender non-conforming (GNC), genderqueer, or gender fluid players are encouraged to join leagues and match up with the players that they feel most comfortable playing with and marking. The goal is to make all MUFA programs more welcoming and safe for all athletes.