Summer 2021 Session #1 - SL1 - Small Group Signup

2021 Summer League Information

Link to Playoff brackets:


Scoresheet to track Gender Preference Ratios:  Print it, laminate it, dry-erase marker it!


YCC Sponsorship Auction for Summer League 2:

Summer League 2 Information here:

MUFA Gear Blowout Sale! - July 17th and 18th at 1614 Brynwood Drive, Madison, 11 am - 4 pm : MUFA has a backlog of old jerseys, discs, and other MUFA gear that needs a new home! Stop by and get some fine MUFA schwag for the lowest prices ever!

Summer League Update (6/22/21)

Vax Only League Jersey pickup

Captains or team rep can pick up jerseys for those who paid on time at Wildwood Productions 931 E Main St. #2, on Sunday 6/27 from 9 am. until noon. Please try to get your jerseys at that time. If that time does not work, you can stop by M-F from 9-5pm, or call 608-255-5858 to set up a time. You will be asked to double check that all jerseys are included in your bag before you leave. If a player's name is not on the list included with your bag, they do not get a jersey. These bags will include any extra jerseys or youth shirts ordered. Discs are not available yet and will have a separate pick up time. Jersys for SL2 plaeyrs will be available hopefully in late July.

Beer cards are available at the downtown Great Dane location.

SL2 registration will open on 6/27.

Jersey color list:

Summer League Update (6/3/21)

Teams must have the roster minimum of 6 MMP and 6 FMP by 11:59 pm June 10 to be included in Summer League 1. The original deadline was June 5.

Teams must have the roster minimum of 6 MMP and 6 FMP by 11:59 pm June 5 to be included in the SL1 jersey order.

Link to vaccine card upload for vaccine required leagues:

If your team would like to request pink jerseys, please email [email protected]

Info on Official Subs and Ringers:

Summer League Update (5/29/21)

Registration opens at 3 pm  on Sunday May 30, 2021. Captains must make the teams and send the team password to players before players can sign up. The deadline for team creation is June 5.  The deadline to get a  jersey is June 6**. There is no deadline to join a team.

To register for Tuesday/Thursday Vaccinated League, click here 
To register for Monday/Wednesday Vaccinated League, click here
To register for Monday/Wednesday No Vaccination Required League, click here
To register as a small group with 50% female-matching players, click here

Still need a team or more players? Either register as the "small group" option with 50% female-matching players and have MUFA help you or look for teams and players on our Team Finder.

Read below for more details on Summer League 1 registration.

Sponsor a Youth Team, Get Perks!

New for 2021 - MUFA is trying a new program to support our youth teams and recognize the contributions of our members! 

A limited number of summer teams can become official sponsors of MUFA's YCC teams and, in return, may choose perks such as designating a field as their "home field" and have all of their games played there, among other sponsorship perks. Please visit our youth sponsorship page for more information.

Summer League Update (5/28/21)

Jerseys: Good news! We'll be able to get jerseys earlier for Summer League 1 players who register by June 6 (estimated deadline).
Discs: Discs will be included with Summer League 2 registration. They will arrive in late July, probably.

**Our jersey supplier Jake at Wildwood Productions has generously offered to help us out by agreeing to do two separate jersey orders without the significant extra cost this would normally incur. We will place our first jersey order on June 6. Anyone who doesn't sign up by then, or is only signing up for SL2, will have until close of SL2 team registration to be part of the second jersey order.The pandemic has extended the timeline for jerseys, so it's likely that the jerseys won't be ready until 3-4 weeks after we place the order. We know that means there will be a large portion of games without jerseys (likely all of SL1), but there's just not much we can do about it this year.
Important note: We've decided not to adjust the $20 cost for SL1 to include the cost of the jerseys because we'd already published the league fee. The cost of the jerseys will be included in SL2 registration, with the idea being that most people who play in SL1 will also play in SL2. SL1 players who also play in SL2 will not receive a second jersey. Teams that play in both leagues will keep the same jersey color they had in SL1. Players who sign up in small groups will also get jerseys.

Trying to adjust costs for some players but not others is confusing for registrants and a logistical hassle. So instead, we're asking that if you play SL1 and don't plan to play SL2, to donate to mufa during your SL1 registration to account for the jersey cost if you can.

It's unlikely that the jerseys and discs will arrive at the same time which will almost certainly mean more than one trip to Wildwood for captains to pick up their team's shirts/discs. We appreciate your patience and understanding.




(updated 5/20/21)


  1. Get vaccinated to ensure you can participate. 
  2. You can sign up in small groups of at least 50% female-matching, or as a whole team.
  3. Masks not required.
  4. Update/create your MUFA account on our new website now, before the registration rush, if you haven’t logged in since 2020.


Coming up with a plan for MUFA 2021 has been a challenge, with the ever changing pandemic situation and all the implications that brings. We understand that people are eager to know the details for Summer League 2021. We ask for your patience and understanding with us as we work through this unprecedented situation.


*** Please note that anything and everything in this plan can change at any time if a new restrictive public health order comes out, or if the pandemic starts to surge, or other factors beyond our control. Flexibility is the name of the game this season, and we appreciate everyone being able to roll with the changes that come along.***


The following builds on what has already been announced for the league plan this year (previous post)




With the latest announcement that as of June 2 there will be no public health COVID related restrictions, and the majority of reputable science backing up the assertion that outdoor SARS2 transmission is very rare, MUFA will not be requiring masks or rule modifications for its leagues this summer. However, we also understand that there remain varying levels of comfort playing ultimate with vaccinated and unvaccinated people. We do not anticipate at this time that a vaccinated league will be a permanent solution for future years, but rather a solution for the current place we are with vaccinations, rescinding of public health orders, and personal preferences of players.


Summer League 1 (SL1): June 14 - July 2


We plan to offer the following options, provided enough teams (8 minimum) sign up for each:


  1. Tuesday/Thursday Swiss(?) Vax-Only League - proof of vaccination required
  2. Monday/Wednesday Swiss(?) Vax-Only League - proof of vaccination required
  3. Monday/Wednesday Swiss(?) No-Vax-Required League - no vaccine requirement


In order to participate in the Vax-Only Leagues, you will be asked to upload a picture of your vaccination card or proof of immunization from the Wisconsin Immunization Registry. You may block out any personal information except for your name. We take this requirement very seriously; anyone found to be falsifying their registration can and will be banned from MUFA permanently. Fully vaccinated means 2 weeks after your single-dose Johnson and Johnson shot or 2 weeks after your second dose of Moderna/Pfizer. Individuals who were part of a clinical trial for another vaccine or who have questions about this, should email [email protected].


Because SL1 is so short, there won’t be a lot of time for the Swiss system to really take effect. We are trying to come up with a way to carry over the results of SL1 into SL2 for those teams that play both. At this time, we’re not really sure how or if that will work. If we can’t come up with a feasible way to run Swiss with all the leagues (some may be too small?), we will do some sort of round-robin like league instead.


Cost: $20

Gender matching preference ratios: same as 2019, 4/3 switch every 2 points

No unvaccinated minors allowed in any leagues.

No shirts or discs will be provided for SL1.

Great Dane: We anticipate the partnership with the Great Dane will remain, but are waiting for details. As you can imagine they are reworking their operations given the June 2nd expiration of orders, so patience on finalizing this is appreciated.


Sign-up options:


  • You can sign up an entire team, just like summer league 2019.
  • Team Assistance: You may sign up in small groups BUT each small group must be at least 50% female-matchup-preferred players (FMP). MUFA will then create teams from these groups. We will do our best to match groups based on east/west, early/late preferences, skill level, and age range.
  • Team Finder: There will be a Team Finder on the website where individuals or groups who do not meet the FMP requirement can advertise for a team, and teams in need of more players can find their own teammates without MUFA assistance.
  • You may sign up for as many leagues as you like as long as you meet the requirements for that league (for example, a player providing proof of vaccination may sign up for a vaccinated league and an unknown status league, while a player who has not uploaded vaccination proof can only sign up for an unknown status league).
  • Official subs allowed (like Summer 2019). You must be fully vaccinated to sub in the Vaccinated-Only league.
  • Registration Opens: May 30 (tentative but likely)
  • Registration Deadline for teams: June 5
  • You must have a minimum of 6 FMP (female matchup preferred) and 6 MMP (male matchup preferred) to be considered a registered team.
  • Registration Deadline for additional players: none


Summer League 2 (SL2) - starts July 12:

The structure of SL2 will be determined largely by how SL1 goes, and any new public health orders. Options under consideration include remaining with the Vaccinated and Unknown status leagues, to combine into one normal league without restrictions, or something different entirely if Public Health orders would exist again. 


We will be collecting feedback after Week 1 of SL1 in order to inform our plans for SL2. We will also monitor case counts per the PHMDC data dashboard to assess the impact of reopening on cases locally and use this information to inform our decisions for SL2.


SL2 Jerseys/Discs: probably and maybe, respectively. Don’t expect either to arrive in a timely manner, however. Supply lines for everything are still strained. There will not be enough time to get them for SL1.


Finals Party: who knows



  • May 30  at 7:00 PM CDT - SL1 Team registration begins
  • June 5 at 11:59 PM CDT - deadline to sign up a team for SL1 and to provide proof of vaccination for the vaccinated league.
  • June 14 through July 2 - SL1 (3 weeks)
  • NO LATER THAN JUNE 27 at 7:00 PM CDT - Adult Return to Play communication #3 providing a SL2 status update will be sent via email to SL1 players and those on the leagues email list, and posted on the website and Facebook page.
  • June 27 at 7:00 PM CDT - SL2 registration opens
  • July 2 at 7:00 PM CDT -SL2 registration closes
  • July 12 through August 20 - SL2 (6 weeks)


ANY AND ALL FUTURE ANNOUNCEMENTS WILL BE POSTED ON OUR WEBSITE AND FACEBOOK PAGE. We do plan to send out email communications, but want to encourage you to check out those sites at the dates outlined above for more detailed information.



Will subs be allowed?

Answer: Yes. Fully vaccinated players can sub in the no-vaccine-required league, but not non-vaccinated players cannot sub in the vaccinated-only league. 


How many days per week will we play for Summer League 1 and Summer League 2, if they happen?

Answer: Summer Leagues will be twice per week, either Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday. Summer League 1 will last for three weeks. Summer League 2 will likely last for 6 weeks.


Will youth players be allowed to participate?

Answer: In normal circumstances, all players must be 14 years of age or older; for SL1 all youth players must be vaccinated in order to participate. This means most youth under 16 will not be eligible to play in SL1 since they will not have had time to be fully vaccinated.


How do I report an opposing team or player that is not complying with the protocols?

Answer: The only new protocol that we’ll have in place for SL1 is the vaccination status requirement to participate in vax-only leagues. Any player caught falsifying this information will face a permanent ban from MUFA. 


Will spectators be allowed on the sidelines?

We strongly recommend limiting spectators to children of players and only when alternative child care options are not available. The point of a vaccinated league is to provide a comfortable space to safely enjoy playing ultimate and players bringing kids or spectators should communicate with their teammates to agree upon their own comfort levels and sideline protocols for this season. As with any year, spectators should stay with the team they are associated with and be back away from the sidelines by a considerable distance. 


Will you be emailing us more information?

Answer: Yes. You will receive two more Adult Return to Play communications as outlined above. In addition to these email notifications, we will update our MUFA COVID website and Facebook Page with communications:


MUFA COVID-19 Updates page:

MUFA Facebook page: 


Will there be jerseys and discs?

Answer: There will be no jerseys or discs for Summer League 1. We are still evaluating the potential of both/either for Summer League 2.


What about our Dane sponsorship? Do we still get free beer or soda after games?

Answer: MUFA is still working out the details with the Great Dane. Our partnership will likely look different this year, but we are doing everything possible to keep our amazing partnership with the Great Dane throughout all of our leagues. We will update everyone as soon as possible. 


Please keep supporting the Great Dane in the meantime with takeout or dining in! They are a long-time, valuable sponsor of MUFA leagues.


What about Fall League?

Answer: We need to work through Summer Leagues first. We will plan to keep you all informed based on where we are at locally sometime during summer. We will have a communication plan similar to the one outline for Summer Leagues 1 and 2 for Fall League.