We have finished the final lottery draw. As of this moment, all Mixed Leagues are full**, but there is still space in all single-genered leagues.
Congratulations to all who got into their first choice and apologies to those who did not. Space is limited, so we are unable to accommodate everyone's request to get into their preferred league.
If you didn't get, you can still play this Spring league, there is still time to register.
Standard Registration is now live, and will close on April 2nd.
**There is a chance we could expand the Thursday Mixed Rec league if we get enough waitlisted sign-ups by April 2nd. Expansion will only occur if the
thresholds for complete FMP rosters are met.
Quick FAQ
Why is one or more of my registrations not showing up after the lottery?
There's one of two reasons:
1) We remove extra registrations after the number of leagues you want to play in is met. (e.g., if you say you want to play in 1 league and register for 5. Once you get placed into a league, we'll remove all of the extra registrations.)
2) If the league is full (e.g., Mixed Masters / Mixed Adv Draft), we've removed all registrations for these leagues.