
To get the latest information related to current and upcoming leagues, check out the news section.


Spring League

Spring League has a MMP, FMP and Mixed leagues. You can sign up as an individual or as a group of 2-4. Teams are created by the League organizers. Spring League runs from April to May. 

Summer League

Summer League is an alternating 4/3 | 3/4 coed league that uses a swiss ranking system that will automatically place you against other teams near your skill level. You must sign up as a complete team. Summer League runs from June to mid August.

Fall League

Spring League has a MMP, FMP and Mixed leagues. You can sign up as an individual or as a group of 2 people. Teams are created by the League organizers. Fall League runs from Early September to mid October. The fields are lighted.

Polar Bear League

The Polar Bear League is a league that plays on Saturday afternoons at 10am from November to December. 


If you have any questions, please contact us.