Summer 2024 - _Purchase Extra Jersey(s)


Fall League 2024

Fall League is back! We're excited to have you join us for another fantastic season of Ultimate. Every league in the Fall League will be a "hat" league. In a hat league, you sign up individually or with one friend, and our MUFA league directors will place you on a team with other players. You'll receive a long-sleeve shirt and each team can enjoy two free pitchers of beer at the Great Dane after every game.

Registration: Lottery System

Our registration process uses a lottery system. Here's how it works:

  1. Register for one or more leagues you're interested in.

  2. Rank the leagues based on your preference.

  3. We will randomly select players from the lottery and place them in their highest preferred league that still has space.

For more detailed information on the lottery system, click here.

League Options

To register for a league, click on the league name below.

First Lottery Update / See Space Available

Once a Week Leagues

  • Sunday - FMP only: Up to 8 teams, Fields: Demetral/Burr Jones (6/7:30 pm)

  • Sunday - MMP only: Up to 8 teams, Fields: Demetral/Burr Jones (6/7:30 pm)

  • Monday - Open - Night Owl: Up to 8 teams, Fields: McGaw (8:15 pm start time)

  • Monday - Mixed - Early Bird: Up to 8 teams, Fields: McGaw (6:30 pm start time)

  • Tuesday - Mixed: Up to 8 teams, Fields: Burr Jones (6/7:30 pm)

  • Thursday - Mixed: Up to 8 teams, Fields: Burr Jones (6/7:30 pm)

Twice a Week Leagues

  • Mon/Wed - Mixed: Up to 8 teams, Fields: Demetral Monday/Burr Jones Wednesday (6/7:30 pm)

  • Tues/Thurs Mixed: Up to 16 teams, Fields: McGaw (6/7:30 pm)


  • One day a week: $40

  • Twice a week: $65


  • All players will receive a long-sleeve t-shirt in their team color midway through the season.

  • Each team will receive a Great Dane card for two free pitchers on game days.

Important Dates

  • Saturday, July 27th: Lottery registration opens

  • Sunday, August 11th @ 11:59pm: Lottery registration closes

  • August 12th-18th: In multiple waves, we select lottery players into the leagues.  

  •  Monday, August 19th: Normal registration opens for remaining spots

  • Friday, August 23rd - FMP's who bag with waitlisted MMP's no longer get the MMP's off the waitlist

  • Sunday, August 25th @ 11:59pm: Registration closes

  • August 27th/28th: Initial teams created

  • Week of September 3rd-8th: First week of games

  • Week of October 28th - November 1st: Last week of games

Youth Fall League

MUFA is excited to offer both Middle School (Grades 5-8) and High School (Grades 9-12) leagues this fall under the lights at Burr Jones Park on Monday nights. Leagues cost $30, registration information can be found at


MUFA would also love to restart our Elementary School Ultimate clinics, and is searching for coaches who can commit to a four week session for 1.5 hours each week. Please email [email protected] with your coaching availability if you are interested!

Other Notes

  • A parents team will be available in the Tuesday/Thursday McGaw league.

Quick FAQ

How does the lottery registration work? For full details of the lottery system, click here.

What is a hat league? In our hat leagues, players join individually (or with one friend) instead of as a full team. Players rate themselves during registration, and we form teams based on these ratings to ensure balanced teams. Full teams are not permitted to join as full teams in the fall league.

What is baggage? Baggage allows you to link your registration with someone else's, ensuring you are placed on the same team. You can bag with a friend, significant other, or anyone you choose.

What do MMP or FMP stand for?

  • MMP: Male-matchup preferred or male-matching player.

  • FMP: Female-matchup preferred or female-matching player.

What do Mixed, Open, FMP, MMP mean for the league names?

  • Mixed: Alternating 4MMP/3FMP - 3MMP/4FMP gender ratio.

  • Open: Teams of any gender-matching preferred players, no required ratio on the field.

  • MMP: Only Male-Matching Preferred players can play.

  • FMP: Only Female-Matching Preferred players can play.

Agender, gender non-conforming (GNC), genderqueer, or gender fluid players are encouraged to join leagues and match up with the players that they feel most comfortable playing with and marking. The goal is to make all MUFA programs more welcoming and safe for all athletes.

Refund Policy

1. If you refund before August 26th, you can get a refund minus $2 or 3 (to cover Paypal fees). You will not receive a fall shirt.

2. No direct refunds after August 26th, unless there is someone who will take over your spot of similiar skill. 

Join us for a season full of fun, competition, and camaraderie. See you on the field!


Summer League is here!

Warm days, good friends, and great ultimate, what more could you ask for? MUFA Summer League registration is officially open! 

MUFA Summer League is a mixed-gender, weekly league featuring a ratings based matchup system to ensure you play with similarly skilled teams. Last season, we had over 120 teams and 2,500 players of all skill levels, so there is a place for you and your friends in our leagues. 

After each game, your team can socialize and use your ‘beer card’ to get two free pitchers of beer to share together at select Great Dane locations in Madison and Fitchburg.

Summer League is more than just a league; it's an over 30-year-long tradition of celebrating the summer together. 

What do you get with your Summer League Registration?

  • Up to 17 regular season games and up to 3 playoff games

  • After every game, your team gets two pitches of beer at one of the Great Danes located around Madison/Fitchburg

  • MUFA 2024 Summer League Team Jersey** 

  • MUFA 2024 Summer League Disc**

**These are only guaranteed if you register by May 8th

What Summer Leagues do we offer? 

(Regular Season: June 3rd - Aug 1st) (Playoffs: Aug 5th - Aug 13th)

($60) Monday/Wednesday League - Create Team - Join Team

($60) Tuesday/Thursday League - Create Team - Join Team

These leagues play twice a week.

($45) One Day a Week (M or W) - Create Team - Join Team

Does two times a week feel like too much for your team's busy schedule? This league participates in the M/W league (listed above) but only plays once a week on either Monday or Wednesday. Once registration closes, we'll move your team into the M/W league and only schedule you on your preferred day.

($60) Small Group Signup - Register

Don't have enough for a full team? No problem. Register in the small group signup! All you need is one or more other people, and we will join you with other groups to create a team for you to play on in the M/W Summer League. 

Note: You must have at least half FMP (female-matching players) to be placed onto a team from the Small Group Signup.

Changes to Jersey Deadlines (Now May 8th)

IMPORTANT: The Jersey deadline has been moved up by one week this year, and we are also opening registration one week earlier to help accommodate this. 

To ensure your free disc and jersey this year, you must have a paid registration by MAY 8TH and your team has at least six paid FMP and MMP players.

When and where is the Summer League? 

Time: 6pm or 7:30pm start time during the start of summer, and games last for up to 90 minutes. All games will be scheduled for 6:30pm from July 22nd through the end of the season.


Days: What day(s) you play depends on the league you sign up for. You can play either once or twice a week. For options of days, read below.

Location: All around the Madison area. Teams can select which side of town they prefer to play on, but we cannot guarantee they will have that side of town every game.

Looking for a Team/Players? 

Players and Teams can use the team/player finder pages to find a team to join or a player to join their team.

Players Looking for a Team: Players can post here, and teams can search it to find a player to contact to join their team.

Teams Looking for Player(s): Teams can post here, and players can search it to find a team that needs players to join their team. 

If you're unable to find a team and it's getting close to May 27th, try to grab a friend and sign up for the small group signup. 

Summer League Dates and Deadlines 

May 8th: Team Jersey deadline (read Jersey Options below for more details)

May 27th: 

  • Deadline to register for Small Group Signup

  • Deadline for creating a team (Must have 6 FMP paid and 6 MMP paid players on team)

May 29th:

  • Teams must be a ready state to have matches schedule for them.

June 1st: Jersey Pickup

June 3rd: First week of games

June 30th: Last day for an individual to join a team

July 3rd/4th: No Games, Holiday Break

July 22nd: All games move to start at 6:30pm

Aug 5th/6th: Playoffs Begin [up to 3 games] (All teams will go into a playoff bracket)

Aug 7th/8th: Opt-In Consolation Playoffs Begin [up to 2 games] (teams who lose their playoff game can enter a consolation playoff)

Aug 20th: Finals Party


Jersey Information

If a team has at least 6 paid FMP and MMP players by May 8th, they will receive jerseys and discs with the 2024 design. The captain can pick up these items on the weekend of June 1st..


Players who pay between May 8th and through June 2nd can purchase a 2024 jersey for a small fee in addition to the summer league fee as part of a smaller second jersey printing run that Wildwood is doing. These jerseys will be available for individual pickup at Wildwood in mid/late June.

Anyone who registers after June 2nd will not get a jersey.


* any shirts or discs not picked up by July 31st are automatically donated to MUFA

Registration Deadline for teams: May 27th

Teams must have a minimum of 6 FMP (female matchup preferred) and 6 MMP (male matchup preferred) by May 27th to be considered a registered team. Each team must have 1 FMP captain and 1 MMP captain. Whoever creates the team will be able to make other players on the team captains.


Extra Jerseys and Youth Shirts

If you register by May 8th, you can also order extra adult jerseys or youth shirts when completing the checkout for your summer league registration. 


Playoffs and Finals

When we get closer to playoffs, teams can opt in to participate. Playoffs will be single elimination brackets of 4-8 teams of similar skill levels. Teams that lose their first playoff game can opt-in to a consolation bracket of 2-4 teams of similar skill who also lost their first game. This means that all teams can play at least 2 playoff games. We will post more details and any adjustments to this structure closer to the start of playoffs.


Unofficial Subs

Unofficial subs are not allowed unless you have explicit permission from the opposing captain. In addition, all subs must be registered and paid for Summer League 2024. See the MUFA Rulebook on the side panel for more information.


Ringer Limits

TR Swiss: 3 ringers of each gender on the roster, 2 of each gender matching on the field

MW Swiss: 2 ringers of each gender on the roster, 2 of each gender matching on the field.

("Ringers" are high-level players who meet certain criteria detailed in the MUFA rulebook. See MUFA Rulebook on the side panel for more information)


Forfeits/Spirit Violations/Player Shortage/Notifications

If teams need to forfeit a game, they are required to notify MUFA and their opponents in a timely manner. Teams that repeatedly forfeit or do not have enough players to field a team may be removed from future weeks of play or the playoffs. In addition, teams can be removed from the playoffs or even the league altogether for repeated poor gamesmanship or other conduct violations, in accordance with our Complaints Policy. See the MUFA rulebook for more details. More information on specific forfeit policies for the Summer League will be posted soon.

Refund Policy

1. If you refund before May 8th, you can get a refund minus $3 (to cover Paypal fees). You will not receive a jersey or disc.

2. If you refund after May 8th but before June 4th. You can get a refund minus $25. You will get a shirt and disc to pick up at Wildwood Productions by July 31*. 

3. No refunds after June 3rd. You will get a shirt and disc; if you ordered one, you can pick them up at Wildwood Productions by July 31st or from your team if they already picked them up. 



Registration-specific questions: [email protected]

General league questions: [email protected]

Youth Ultimate questions: [email protected]

If you have any other questions, [email protected]