Winter 2023/24 [S2] - Goalty - Wed - FMP

Winter Goaltimate 2024

Winter Goaltimate (Indoors)

Goaltimate (or Goalty for short) is a half-court frisbee game that combines elements of basketball and ultimate, with goals scored by throwing a disc through a large hoop to a teammate on the other side. It's a fast-paced and fun alternative to traditional Ultimate.

Goalty leagues will play ten games over ten weeks (unless there are weather-related closures.) 


Sunday Mixed League - register

- Sundays starting Jan 21 and running through Mar 24  - 10 weeks total.

- will be held at IPT

- Games at will start at 5p and could run until 9p, depending on registration numbers. Early games start at 5p, latest games start at 6:30p or 7:30p (depending on registrations).

- Cap of 80 players at a 2:2 FMP:MMP ratio (i.e. 40 MMP, 40 FMP cap). Cap could be increased depending on registrations. 

- Since this is a mixed league, initial MMP cap will be 10  -- MMPs baggaged with FMPs will be let into the league until the 40:40 cap. More could be added if more FMPs register.

- Baggage with one other player

- $50/player

NEW Tuesday Open League - register

- Tuesdays starting Jan 23 and running through Mar 26 - 10 weeks total.

- will be held at IPT

- Games will start at 8p and run until 9:30p. Games could run later depending on registrations. (We have the gym until 10:45p, so we could add more players/teams. Please note the possibility of late start/end times when registering.)

- no cap for players, but expecting around 40. Cap could be increased depending on registrations.

- Baggage with one other player

- No gender matchup requirements for this league

- $50/player


Wednesday FMP League - register

- Wednesdays starting Jan 24 and running through Mar 27 - 10 weeks total. 

- will be held at IPT

- Games at will start at 7p and could run until around 10p, depending on registration numbers. Early games start at 7p, latest games start at 8:30p (depending on registrations).

- no cap for players, but expecting around 40. Cap could be increased depending on registrations.  

- Baggage with one other player

- $50/player


League Rules: