Winter 2024/25 [S2] - Monday 3v3 Girls and Non Binary Ultimate Frisbee Youth League
To The MUFA Community: The executive order barring transgender women and girls from participating in sports has left our friends and teammates once again targeted by legislation created to drive discriminatory and hateful policies that weaponize harmful stereotypes in an attempt to erase transgender athletes from these spaces. MUFA categorically rejects these attempts to drive a wedge through our communities and the hurtful effort to remove opportunities from people that deserve them as much as anyone. MUFA remains proudly committed to maintaining a safe, inclusive, and affirming environment for athletes of all gender expressions. Sport is an essential part of people's lives. It provides a physical, mental, and emotional outlet and can offer camaraderie in a time when many find themselves increasingly isolated. MUFA believes in empowering all of our players to safely participate as their authentic selves. Agender, gender non-conforming (GNC), genderqueer, or gender fluid players remain encouraged to join MUFA leagues and match up with the players that they feel most comfortable playing with and marking. This statement has represented our leagues in the past and will remain our commitment going forward. MUFA’s full gender inclusion policy can be found here: MUFA is proud to have fostered a community where people across all spectrums can play and thrive as their best selves, and we commit to continuing to work to make our community a better place for those from marginalized backgrounds through our policies and actions. In the face of a wave of discrimination and hate, we will work tirelessly to reinforce MUFA as a community for all.